Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Could You Live Aboard?

I have a strange fascination with the idea of living on board a boat. I say "the idea" because I also have a sneaking suspicion that the idea is a lot more fun and interesting than the reality could ever possibly be!

I think about how much I would need to pare down my belongings to be able to live on a boat. On some level, that appeals to me, along the lines of the "simplify your life" advice that I keep hearing.

Can you picture yourself preparing a meal in this little floating kitchen?

Or heading off to bed down this "hallway" to a tiny bunkroom?

This seems to be a more deluxe version of the "live-aboard" bedroom. Not too shabby!

How about entertaining in this family room? There's a sturdy place for the wine and hors d'oeuvres! What else do you need?

And who wouldn't love to wake up to this view every morning?

Maybe someday I will get the chance to try the live-aboard lifestyle! Thinking about it makes me look around and contemplate what I would keep if I were planning such a move in the near future. If nothing else, this exercise might be a great way to kick start my spring de-cluttering!


  1. I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather live than on a Sailboat!
    Please take a moment to visit - you've won the 'One Lovely Blog' Award! Congratulations - you deserve it!

  2. Yes, I could!...and it wouldn't necessarily have to float. If we kept an apt in New York, or Tokyo we may be blessed to be so tidy, and well polished. In Paris there is hardly more than that amount of kitchen in anyone's flat. Everyone one in big cites eats out, easily.

  3. I could. I think a longboat on the canals of Europe would be amazing. We talk about the possibility every now and then.

  4. I'd certainly like to try it for a while. I'm not sure I'd want to do for the rest of my life. One has to be pretty nimble to live on water and in a small space...

  5. It would be a fun experiment

  6. My ex husband lives on one in the British Virgin Islands, I haven't spoken to him in a few years now so I'm not sure how that's working out for him but he also does vacation charters with couples!!
